There is nothing better than a gin and tonic on a sunny day…
Gin, as you may well know, is my spirit of choice. I am a #ginlover left, right and centre and at home, we even have our own gin cart – so I tell no lies!
Here are some of the best premium gins in the world to try – of course not to be consumed all in the same day! Enjoy with moderation.
World Gin Day is 10 June 2023.
Hendricks Gin
I remember the first time I had a Hendricks, served with cucumber, and in a proper gin glass. It was 2004 and I was in Barcelona. Life was never the same again.
Get it now: £27.00 from Amazon
Martin Miller Summerful
New for Summer 2020, Martin Miller launched this delightful new limited edition gin – with artic thyme and rosemary. I called it ‘British Summer in a glass’. Probably my current favourite gin and tonic.
Get it from: £29 from Amazon
Monkey 47
Hailing from Germany, it is one of the country’s best creations. I remember enjoying 3 or 4 of these gin and tonics onboard the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express train.
Get it now: £35.00 from Amazon
Salcombe Gin Start Point
One of my favourite towns in the UK, also home to this delightful gin I love to garnish with pink grapefruit.
Get it now: £39.95 from Amazon
Gin Mare
One of Spain’s best gifts to the world, alongside jamon iberico de bellota and Finca Cortesin. I have my Gin Mare gin and tonic with rosemary, and sometimes I go mad and even have it with basil (there is some logic to this madness). A very special gin not just on World Gin Day.
Get it now: £35 from Amazon
Nordes Gin
Another Spanish delight and one of my absolute favourite premium gins – and a staple at our home at all times. From Galicia, in North West Spain, expect an explosion of flavours and a fabulous nose.
Get it now: £32 from Amazon.
Sheringham Seaside Gin
A gift from my friend Nancy, which then created an obsession. Everyone who visits Canada (and not just Vancouver or Victoria in British Columbia) has to bring us a bottle or two (I kid you not). We call it our ‘international gin and tonic’.
Citadelle Gin
The French are on to something with their gin. And this premium gin may be one of my absolute favourites.
Get it now: £28 from Amazon
Shortcross Gin
From Northern Ireland to the world – a beauty of a gin, which is best enjoyed with orange (for real).
Get it now: £38 from Amazon
St. George Terroir Gin
God bless America, is all I can say. Gin and USA are not two words that usually go hand in hand, but this California distillery really is making waves. I first this premium gin discovered as an in-room amenity at Four Seasons Los Angeles and have been indulging ever since.
Get it now: £35 from Amazon
Roku Gin
And a relatively newcomer to the O’Reilly premium gin cart – discovered in London at a hotel bar by pure chance and bought over and over again in the last 6 months. It’s quite zesty and makes for the perfect gin and tonic.
Get it now: £30 from Amazon
And don’t forget the tonic
As the clever people of Fever Tree say, if your gin is 3-quarters tonic, make it the best you can get. I am a great fan of Fever Tree (and there are other excellent tonic waters around). My favourite ones are the normal one (full fat) and the Mediterranean (turquoise blue) – they really are fantastic.
And the proper gin glass
I have lost count of the number of times I have brought gin glasses for myself and friends, and friends of friends from trips to Spain (obviously hand luggage). But, at last, you don’t have to do this anymore. We can get some lovely options now at home in the UK.
I am really into ‘thin’ glasses currently, and Riedel does some really good ones, from its bar range (some are admittedly whisky glasses, but Finca Cortesin also uses them!)
Get it now: £50 for 4 Riedel stemmed glasses from Amazon
Get it now: £50 for 4 Riedel H2O glasses from Amazon
I love the ‘old’ H2O range which comes in 3 sizes – admittedly one for whisky, another for water and another for long drinks (epic gins in Spain) and we love the whisky glass size.
Get it now: £37.50 for 4 Riedel stemless gin glasses from Amazon
Riedel launched some stemless gin glasses which we bought, but I find them way too big for my hand – they come in a green box and look like the ones below. My husband loves them and so do most of our male friends.
And with this, all that is left to do is to wish you a very happy World Gin Day. Or Gin Weekend. Or Gin Week. You get the idea as long as you promise to enjoy some of the best gin in the world.
Have you tried any of these premium gins? And what other brands have you found and would like to recommend on this World Gin Day? Let me know!

Mrs. O