I get asked many times what my favourite hotel in the world is, and I find it incredibly difficult to answer – in other words, it is like to ask a mother to pick a favourite child. Very unfair! But to be perfectly honest, my perfect hotel would have bits and pieces from various hotels around the world – perfection isn’t easy. And if it was, well, it wouldn’t be special, would it?
But now, something very special is about to begin. An adventure that has interested me from day 1 – Amberlair is a true revolution in luxury travel whereby me, you and everyone you know can be part of something unique: together, we are going to build the most perfect hotel in the world. And where? Well, we get to decide.
What makes the perfect hotel? What would I have in my own hotel? I have answered these questions on Amberlair’s blog in a recent interview. I can tell you one thing: there will be a gin bar (and a champagne bar, while we are at it), there will be some sort of technology which will allow me to sign a single bill at the end of my stay, and there will be USB power points everywhere. And I will make sure that the hair products really do what they say – there could even be a choice of toiletry brands before arrival, who knows?

I know that there are a lot of questions… where to begin? Well, here are some of the answers, which will prepare you for the journey ahead.
What is Amberlair?
The world’s first crowdsourced and crowdfunded boutique hotel.
Where is Amberlair?
You may have the answer.
Amberlair is a unique concept: a boutique hotel created with the help of the energy-filled resource that is the global travel community. Hamburg-based couple Kristin Lindenberg and Marcus Orbé have had successful careers in, respectively, the travel and events sector and the airline industry. Tired of being put up in cookie-cutter, could-be-anywhere clone hotels, they set off on a tour of more than 40 countries on six continents, researching boutique hotels, getting the inside track on what works and what doesn’t. They also met fellow guests with a passion for quality and authenticity, inspiring them to use the online input of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding to develop the first in a group of extraordinary places to stay around the world. Amberlair will be a destination that seamlessly combines a modern aesthetic with a sense of place and offers a 21st-century reinterpretation of Gemütlichkeit, the German concept of relaxation and hospitality.
Step 1: Crowdsourcing The Location
The location of the first Amberlair boutique hotel will be decided by the online travel community. If you know the perfect place for Amberlair to put down its roots, go to amberlair.com and submit your suggestion. They are seeking a location with character and allure. Have you spotted a building with history for sale – an abandoned theatre, perhaps, or a collection of old cottages – or, alternatively, a suitable piece of land available for development? The more details you can provide – plans, photos, owner’s contact details etc – the better. We welcome suggestions from property professionals but you certainly don’t need to have a direct connection to the location – other than thinking it would be great for Amberlair! And there is a great prize to be won for the person who submits the location finally chosen…

Step 2: The Competition
When we have received all your suggestions, we will choose a shortlist of the most suitable locations and, once again, we will turn to the online community – those who have registered with Amberlair – and put the location to a vote. Whichever location receives the most votes will be the site for the first Amberlair boutique hotel – as simple as that. And the community member who proposed it will win a fantastic prize: a week’s stay for two at Amberlair* (see terms and conditions), plus a VIP invitation to the opening party.
Step 3: The Future
Once the first Amberlair location is decided, we will open up the crowdfunding campaign. Rather than accept the compromises involved with mainstream investment, we will invite the online travel community – the sort of people we have met on our travels who share our love of personalised, eclectic places to stay – to invest in Amberlair. Benefits for crowdfunding contributors will include free stays at Amberlair and benefits while staying at the boutique hotel.
Further down the line, we will also be crowdsourcing the details of our boutique hotel – we’ll be seeking designers with original ideas, local suppliers of artisan produce etc. The spirit of cooperation will infuse every part of the Amberlair boutique hotel.
What should you do now?
Pretty simple. Head on to Amberlair’s website and become acquainted with the idea. The next step would be to submit a location – it is truly your decision. You can also follow Amberlair via their various social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram.
Mrs. O
Disclaimer: this post has been sponsored by Amberlair. I have been involved with this project since day 1 and will be continuing to do so. Opinions really are my own, and as you can imagine, my mind is buzzing with ideas.