San Diego… San Diego… San Diego.. it is very interesting how these two words became so important and meaningful to me. We first visited a good 5 years ago and didn’t go back until last year, until BA started flying directly to London. Having started in San Francisco, we thought it would be the perfect place to end our annual, almost religious, California trip.

Our love affair with San Diego started then, and continued this summer, when we decided we just “had” to go back. There is something about this place – the very laid-back, yet elegant atmosphere, the southern California accent and the amazing food, of course.
Why do I love it? I like the fact that is right on the Pacific Ocean (one I have yet to try, despite really wanting to.. water may be a tad cold and, for some bizarre reason, no sunloungers!!), it is small and compact (in a couple of days you can really get a feel of the place), has some really cool tourist attractions (which I normally avoid, but it seems that I have a thing for sea-creatures) and it is so pretty, it hurts.

I need to admit something – I was never really tempted by Mexican food. I really don’t know why. So this time, and with the help of the W Hotel concierge (the only place we have ever stayed in town – so nice, we always go back for more), we decided to be super adventurous… and that is how another O’Reilly obsession began…

We were determined to try as many different Mexican delicacies as possible, and surely weren’t disappointed with the options the city had for us. And Margaritas, of course.
The biggest surprise? The lovely Old Town San Diego, located not far from the city centre, which is kept in pristine condition. I love “main street” America and seriously loved this place. We had not ventured there before, and so glad we did this time. (and had some more more Mexican food. And margaritas – the best in town).

But what I loved the most about San Diego (if we exclude shopping, as Fashion Mall is one of the best shopping centres in the world, and I did my absolute best to help the local economy), is nearby La Jolla, a little upmarket town, a good 10 miles from the city centre. Quirky boutiques, incredible views and some of the best restaurants in the area.
I will always remember fondly Eddie V, a stunning place, where we had white wine and oysters until they ran out of ice last year – the city had a 8-hour blackout in the summer of 2011, which was an interesting experience, to say the least. As we were denied the “full experience” then, we had to go back on our recent trip. At the last minute, we changed the reservations to a different day, only to be sitting next to the Kardashian clan. Funniest thing? I didn’t even noticethem – I noticed the cameras (as it was graduation week I thought some poor soul’s family thought it would be fun to film the dinner.. sad, I know..), but all I cared about was this view. But Mr. O did have a good look and you can ask him who he thought was the prettiest.

Jokes aside, leaving San Diego always makes us sad. Because 2 days isn’t enough to really enjoy this place. When I think of California (my favourite state in the US, please don’t be offended, I love them all!), and I close my eyes, this is what I can see…

.. it is my own very own “California dream”. It’s 10 months until we go back – and believe me, we can’t wait!
Missing San Diego already..
Mrs. O