Founded by two avid luxury travel twitterers and influencers in 2014, UK-based Ana Silva O’Reilly aka Mrs. O Around the World (see twitter profile) and US-based Kim-Marie Evans, aka Luxury Travel Mom (see twitter profile), #LuxTravelChat built a global luxury travel community on twitter, where like-minded brands can converse and identify like-minded consumers.
#LuxTravelChat is the first and only UK and USA-based luxury travel-themed Twitter chat, held Thursdays at 9.30am LA (PST), 12.30pm NYC (EST), 5.30pm London (GMT) and 6.30pm Paris (CET) for 3o minutes.
Every week, we introduce a new topic and will seek your input by asking 5 different questions.
Each question will have the same format, i.e. “Q1 What is the best hotel you have ever visited? #luxtravelchat’ and answers should follow a similar pattern, i.e. ‘A1. Hotel 123 #luxtravelchat’.
Love all things luxury travel? Don’t be shy and follow @LuxTravelChat on twitter now.
New to twitter chats? Here is all you need to know. And don’t be afraid or shy, I promise we do not bite.
1. Don’t be afraid to lurk. – Especially if you are new to the world of Twitter chats as a whole, lurking is a great way to test the waters. You can just watch the stream in real-time or after it’s over and still learn like you were participating. You may not be introducing yourselves to the moderator and other participants, but it’s an excellent start. From here, you may move on to semi-lurk, meaning you retweet participants now and then but don’t jump in with your own thoughts. This is also the best way to find out if there are specific rules for the chat without accidentally breaking one first.
2. Remember your environment. – If you are planning to participate in the Twitter chat and tweet about other topics at the same time, remember your platform. This goes for participating in more than one chat, too. Try not to accidentally add even more content to an already busy stream.
3. Retweet the questions. – If you are in a chat that has structured questions rather than an open conversation (such as #LuxTravelChat , the moderators will tweet out the questions, most likely one at a time. Retweeting the question before answering it is helpful to both participants and your followers. Followers may be interested in your tweets but won’t know what questions you are answering. For fast-moving chats, having the question reappearing in the stream makes it easier for participants to find the questions without excessive scrolling.
4. Number your answers. – Most moderators number the questions that are asked in the Twitter chat by starting the tweet with “Q1:” or “Q2:” and so on. When answering the question, either include that or use “A1:” or “A4:”. People move through the chat at different paces and some conversations are longer than others, so not everyone is answering the same question at the same time. This makes it clear which question you are answering in your tweet. At the end, always use #luxtravelchat, so that those following the chat via the hashtag do not miss your input.
5. Don’t be afraid to reply and start conversations. – There is more to the chats than just answering questions in a single tweet. You’re on SOCIAL media, so be social. Discuss your answers with other participants and if you have any questions of your own related to the topic or someone’s answer, don’t be afraid to seek answers. Likewise, there may be other people asking questions that you would like to weigh in on.
6. Don’t veer too off topic. – Side conversations often pop up in Twitter chats, especially when the participants know each other well (either offline or just online). This is completely okay and often encouraged, but try to keep tweets using the hashtag at least somewhat on topic. If it veers too far off course, continue the conversation without the chat’s hashtag.
7. Twitter chat time is not promo time. – Do not use the Twitter chat as a promotional platform or try to advertise during it. Please respect the moderator’s wishes and keep the rest of the chat focused on the conversation.
8. Remember the rest of your followers. – When you’re looking only at the hashtag’s stream and not your whole timeline, you may forget that the rest of your followers (and Twitter users, for that matter) can see your tweets. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want anyone else to see. Also keep your followers in mind with frequency of tweets. If you are replying to people, it will only show in your followers’ timeline if they follow the other person as well. But they will see all of the other tweets. Some people get annoyed by Twitter chatters, so you may want to shoot off a warning that you’ll be tweeting a lot right before the chat starts.
9. Follow up. – After the chat, it’s a nice gesture to thank the moderator, any special guests or co-hosts, and the individuals you personally interacted with. While not necessary, it definitely deepens the connections made during the chat and is a nice way to show your appreciation to the chat. You can also reach out to these people to start other conversations in between Twitter chats.
10. Use the hashtag throughout the week. – This may be more encouraged in some chats than others, but hashtags are meant to be active. Participants frequently add the hashtag to their saved searches or as a stream in their Twitter client. If you share content in between chats, they’ll likely see it. If you find anything else related to the previous or upcoming chat’s topic, share a link with them.
We cannot wait to have you joining us!
Remember, @LuxTravelChat takes place every Thursday at 9.30am Los Angeles (PST), 12.30pm New York (EST), 5.30pm London (GMT) and 6.30pm Paris (CET).